Monday, June 27, 2011

Guest Lecture PIO activity

I felt like the Public Information Officer activity we did in class was interesting but I don't necessarily think it needs to be so structured. It was hard for us to relate when we don't know how PIO's actually respond to things like this and they probably deal with it so much they would react differently than we do. If you have certain questions you want to ask them, you can outline the meeting with those questions but don't necessarily need each person to pick a card. Also after picking the card I felt like I was supposed to answer the question rather than having it open for discussion.

One thing that I think the PIO's could benefit from is getting involved with social media. They should have an official facebook/twitter/blog/newsletter that gives important information on whats going on in the community, especially when disaster hits. If people knew there was a legitimate site that was post up to date information about a crisis as it is happening would be incredibly helpful. They could have one person dedicated to updating their website/facebook/twitter and sending newsletters and if advertised correctly people would know where to turn when a crisis hits.


  1. I felt that during this discussion Hurricane Katrina was a great topic on what PIO's could do and how social media could be implemented, but I thought the Columbine shooting should have been the Virginia Tech shooting instead. It was very hard for our group to come up with how social media could be implemented because it really didn't exist when Columbine happened. I also thought it was difficult to discuss what the PIO's would do in this situation. The only thing we came up with was how to handle the aftermath of the event. I feel as if Virginia Tech would have made more sense because people did use social media to warn others and email's were sent out during the shooting, even though people received them way too late.

  2. Both you girls bring up a good point, the structure of the discussion eventually became stagnant. I believe that Amanda did a great job setting up the study and I thought many of the topics on the cards were relevant to what we were learning in class. However, it is funny that you mentioned the overbearing structure in your blog because I too commented on how the discussion started off well, but the scope of our conversation was too narrow if we were to stay on track with the cards. Amanda could sense the stall in our discussion coming which is why she wisely chose to abandon the last two cards and move onto opening the talk into broader topics. As far as not being able to respond as PIOs I agree that this was difficult. Hopefully what Amanda wanted was not for us to give perfect answers as PIOs, but instead maybe she wanted to hear a student's perspective of PIOs. Overall I understand your criticism and perhaps Amanda could use this in the future to lead a discussion with a less strict structure.

  3. wow, your smoking hot in your profile pic ;). do you like cosplaying?? cus you look hot in a Tifa outfit.
